Council of the Institute



 Secretary of the Scientific Council of the Institute:

 Yulchiyev Davronbek Gulamovich




General rules

1.The scientific council is founded under the chairmanship of the rector to consider main issues in the activity of TIIAME (the institute) and conduct its meetings.

2. The Scientific Council carries out its activity on the basis of "Regulations of the Academic Council of the Institute" on the principles of centralization of lawfulness, management and collegiality.

3. The main task of the Scientific Council is to combine the efforts of the Institute's staff with the following objectives:

- Implementation of the National Program of Personnel Training, provision of high quality bachelor and master degree on the basis of modern pedagogical technology and computerization;

- The goal of higher education is to train professionals who have excellent knowledge, qualifications and skills at the level of state educational standards.

4. Scientific Council of the Institute:

- examines the strict implementation of state educational standards, curricula and programs in accordance with the National Curriculum and defines the recommendations and priorities for the vital issues;

- reports of faculties on educational, research and spiritual-enlightenment work, academic lyceums, admission committee's reports, reports on scientific laboratories of the institute, , listens to the marketing service's need for graduates in the national economy, reports on cooperation with customer organizations and takes appropriate decisions;

- discusses issues of researches, spiritual and enlightenment works, issues of retraining of professorial-teaching staff and makes appropriate decision;

- Approves the annual and perspective plans of development of institute, discusses the results of material and financial-economic activity and adopts appropriate decision.

- fakultet va kafedralarni ochish, tugatish, o‘zgartirish shuningdek, marketing xizmatlari takliflarini hisobga olgan xolda yangi bakalavriat va magistratura mutaxassisliklari bo‘yicha kadrlar tayyorlashni yo‘lga qo‘yish yoki to‘xtatish bilan bog‘liq masalalar bo‘yicha qaror qabul qiladi;

- “Oliy ta’lim muassasalariga pedagog xodimlarini tanlov asosida ishga qabul qilish tartibi to‘g‘risida”gi Nizomga muvofiq professor-o‘qituvchilar lavozimlarini egallash uchun tanlovlar o‘tkazadi;

- professor, dotsent ilmiy unvonini olishga intilayotgan izlanuvchilarning xujjatlarini ko‘rib chiqadi va belgilangan tartibda ilmiy unvonga O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Attestatsiya Komisiyasiga taqdim etadi;

- institut talabalari hamda professor-o‘qituvchilarning ingliz tilini bilishini ta’minlash va kompyuter texnologiyalari, internetdan foydalana olishlari bo‘yicha tayanch ko‘nikmalarni shakllantirish masalalarini muhokama qiladi va chora-tadbirlar belgilaydi;

- ta’lim jarayonining o‘quv adabiyotlari bilan ta’minlanganligini, yangi avlod darslik va o‘quv qo‘llanmalari, shuningdek innovatsion ta’lim texnologiyalarini qo‘llashga asoslangan o‘quv-uslubiy majmualarni tayyorlash va nashr etish masalalarini muhokama qiladi;

- stajyor-tadqiqotchi-izlanuvchi, tayanch doktorantura va doktoranturalarga nomzodlarni tavsiya etadi, ularning shaxsiy rejalari va dissertatsiyalari mavzularini tasdiqlaydi;

- iqtidorli talabalar safidan va professor-o‘qituvchilar tarkibidan nomzodlarni “Iste’dod” jamg‘armasi orqali xorijiy oliy ta’lim muassasalarida stajirovkaga tavsiya etadi;

- institut iqtidorli talabalari va stajyor-tadqiqotchi-izlanuvchilari safidan O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Davlat stipendiyasiga va nomli davlat stipendiyalar tanlovida ishtirok etadigan nomzodlarni tavsiya etadi;

- “Sog‘lom avlod uchun” jamg‘armasi bilan hamkorlikda talabalarning jismoniy tarbiyasi va ularning sog‘liklarini yanada yaxshilash bo‘yicha tadbirlar ishlab chiqadi;

- asosiy buyurtmachi tashkilot, korxona va muassasalar bilan korporativ hamkorlikni rivojlantirish, moddiy texnik bazani mustahkamlash hamda talabalarning malakaviy amaliyoti samaradorligini oshirish masalalarini muhokama qiladi va ularni yaxshilash bo‘yicha tavsiyalar ishlab chiqadi;

- institut talabalari va xodimlarining texnika xavfsizligi va mexnat muxofazasini takomillashtirish bo‘yicha tadbirlarni belgilaydi.

- decides on the issues of opening or disassembly of faculty and departments, as well as issues related to the establishment or suspension of training of specialists in the new bachelor and Master’s Degree specialties, taking into account the proposals of marketing services ;

- Conducts competitions for the positions of professors and teachers in accordance with the Regulation "On the order of recruiting teachers to higher education institutions";

- The professor reviews the documents of the researchers seeking to obtain an academic degree and submits the academic title to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the established procedure;

- discusses and defines the issues of formation of basic skills of the students of the institute and professors and teachers on knowledge of English and computer technologies, Internet access;

- Discussion of the educational process with educational literature, preparation and publication of educational-methodical complexes based on the application of new generation textbooks and manuals, as well as innovative educational technologies;

- recommends candidates for trainee researchers, doctoral candidates and doctoral candidates, approves their individual plans and dissertations topics;

- recommends internships for gifted students and professors and teachers to internships at foreign universities through the Fund "Iste’dod";

- recommends candidates for gifted students and trainees of the Institute to participate in the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- in cooperation with the Fund "Sog’lom Avlod Uchun" develops measures to improve the physical education of students and their health;

- The main contractor discusses the issues of developing corporate partnerships with organizations, enterprises and institutions, strengthening material and technical basis, and improving the quality of students' qualifications, and develops recommendations for their improvement;

- defines measures to improve the safety and labor protection of students and staff of the Institute.

5. The Scientific Council has the right to consider any matter that is in the jurisdiction of the institute and requires collective consideration.

The Structure of the Scientific Council

6. The structure of the scientific council includes the rector of the institute, the vice-rectors, heads of departments and centers, the head of educational and methodical department, directors of the institutes under the institute, the chief accountant of institute, the chairman of women's committee, head of military chair, deans of faculties, head of the department, chairperson of the trade union committee, head of the organization "Youth Union", directors of academic lyceums and professional colleges under the institute. The structure of the Academic Council can include major scientists and experts working on specific issues of the Higher Education Institution. Term of authorization - 5 years.

7. The structure of the Scientific Council is approved by the order of the rector of the institute. At the beginning of each academic year, new members are selected or added in the appropriate order for the positions removed from the Scientific Council for various reasons.